No shopping wishes stay unfulfilled in Spandau Arcaden. Whether big brands like H & M, dm, P & C or Thalia or small, petite shops like Rituals or Pandora, Spandau Arcaden make shopping days an experience. At home in Berlin-Spandau, the shopping center is easy to reach and offers everything for a perfect shopping enjoyment. Many parking spots, well-known national and international brands, as well as a large gastronomic offer and comprehensive services such as customer information, free WLAN, high quality toilet facilities with baby changing room and exclusive gift cards make shopping in Spandau Arcaden a special experience.

Key Information
  • Website
    11,4 Mio
    Visitors per year
  • Website
  • Website
    Retail Space in m²
  • Website
    Parking Lots
  • Website
Other Use Cases
Medical Practices, Outdoor Pool, Gym, Hotel, Sauna Area
Top Brands